Drop-In Hours

Welcome to Drop-In Hours.

Have you ever wanted a practitioner/witch on call that you could go to with concerns, outside of a scheduled appointment? Interested in exploring somatic or ritual-based work, but don’t have resources for regular appointments with a practitioner? Are you open to working with somatic relationship not just individually, but collectively, with the land, ancestors, trancestors/queer kin, plants, animals, and others around you?

Drop-In Hours may be for you. Sourced directly from Sirius’ desire to work in rhythm with their own neuroqueer cycles, and in radical divestment from capitalist structures and returning to a more communal model, Drop-In Hours is an intentionally provided sometimes individual, sometimes group healing space. Imagine dropping in to visit your town village witch.

Weekly, Sirius Heart will offer 2-3 hours during high volume times (evenings/weekends) where you can “drop in” for a Zoom meet with them + perhaps others, addressing daily concerns, emergency issues, or quick questions you might have. Drop-In Hours shift week to week based on Sirius’ schedule, and any changes will be named at the beginning of each week (Monday night each week). Currently, Drop-In Hours are via Zoom on revolving Thursdays 6PM - 8PM MST and Saturday mornings 10AM - 12PM MST. Video link will be posted on a private post to Drop-In Members on Saturday evenings, for the following week.

Click on the Subscribe Button now and choose your Drop-In Hours tier to join in! (please note, only Drop-In Hours tiers receive access to the Drop-In)

What do Drop-In Hours members receive?

Members receive access to:

  • at least 2 hours/week of drop-in time via Zoom with Sirius
  • Exclusive posts on somatic practice, playlists etc from Sirius.
  • Access to a likeminded community with whom to deepen in somatics, healing, and other embodied practices on an as-needed basis.

What happens in Drop-In Hours Zoom Sessions?

The first week of the month is an intro session for incoming Drop-In members. In this circle, we celebrate their arrival and step into relationship with each new person for the month.

Subsequent weeks are held for any member of the space to drop-in and receive personal + communal support, including:

  • Somatic support for current activation, triggers, relational issues, boundary work
  • non-carceral support for suicidal crisis from a provider with lived experience
  • Being seen and witnessed in community (especially might be resonant if you are disabled, neuroqueer, or otherwise unable to access many communal spaces due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic).
  • Community grief work - holding grief together in community.
  • Personalized ritual work and suggestions for ritual to support outside of the session
  • astrology chart reading + suggestions based on current transits
  • Any question you might imagine taking to a village witch or healer, bring to drop-in! :)

Drop-In Hours Framework

At Drop-In Hours, true to the “village witch” model, several people may show up at one time, as anyone who subscribes will have access. Or you may be the only one present. Sirius will provide care in order of who arrives first, with the intention that everyone present receive some form of care.

When others are present, it is also a very cool way to access healing work by watching space be held for another member of community - often, we can receive deep healing through witnessing what is brought forward with others, so this is a cool opportunity!

No new concerns will be allowed 30 minutes prior to end of the drop-in time block. Other present members will be invited to witness or provide support if they are willing (no pressure or need, always at consent).

If a private space is needed, Sirius will set up a separate break out room to address issues in privacy.

Some issues might need longer-term 1-1 tending, if this is the case, this decision will be reached via conversation between Sirius and the person in question.

Confidentiality will be required by all present as a requirement for accessing the space, regardless of privacy level of concern being attended to. Members commit to the spaceholding guidelines set by Sirius Heart for all their spaces.

Disability Justice Centered

This is a neuroqueer/neurodivergent, mad, and disability-centric space. Sirius Heart created drop-in hours as a way to live within integrity to their own system and effective ways for them to provide care as a mad, neuroqueer, disabled practitioner. Sirius will show up as they are (a mad/crazy and neuroqueer practitioner who may need to avoid eye contact at times or may stim while hearing your concern) and encourages you to do the same - you may turn video off, stim while speaking, avoid eye contact, or come to drop in hours cozy in bed in pajamas (please do not wear anything you wouldn't step outside your house in). Captioning can be set up at request; please give 48 hours notice if you need sign language or interpretation so Sirius can secure an interpreter.

Sirius believes showing up as a mad, neuroqueer practitioner creates more ability for them to provide spaceholding and presence in the space - not less! I.e., lack of eye contact is not an indicator of lack of attention, and Sirius intentionally cultivates deep attention and holding while providing somatic and ritual tools to others.

Drop-In Hours Rate

Drop-In Hours is Sirius’ Heart’s most accessible offering, provided at sliding scale rate specifically to honor Black, Brown, indigenous queer and trans folks as well as working class and disabled trans folks with lower access to funds. The group is not limited to these intersections, however if you do not occupy these intersections please be considerate of your sliding scale choice. Please choose what rate best suits your current life situation (If you are queer/trans Black, Indigenous, or person of color, you are invited to always choose the lowest end of the scale). Sirius provides these hours out of their own energy reserves, and asks that you respect this offering by choosing the highest available scale to your current needs. For guidance, please see read this.

Once you subscribe, you will receive access to the members' only area, including posts with updated Drop-In Hours for the week (sent out automatically) which include a video link. As a subscriber, you have access to any of the times Sirius lists as available.

Currently, Drop-In Hours are revolving Thursdays 6-8PM MST and Saturdays 10AM - 12PM MST. these times change sometimes weekly, sometimes quarterly, sometimes monthly dependent on Sirius' schedule.

Please Note: As a mad/neuroqueer provider, from time to time Sirius needs to cancel hours with little to no notice to support their wellness. Any canceled hours will not be reimbursed.

Membership Rates for Drop-In Hours:

Low End: $40/mo
Middle: $50/mo
High End: $60/mo

Sirius’ usual individual session rate is $165-$215 an hour, so this particular offering is deeply discounted (!!) to allow for wide access to somatic and ritual support. At $40-$60/mo, with option to drop-in weekly if you like, you would be receiving services at up to 60% off.

Ready to join? Click the subscribe button and choose your Drop-In Hours tier to join us. (please note, only Drop-In Hours tiers receive access to the Drop-In)