
this is a space where you can support non-carceral, mad-centric, disabled-centric, highly skilled somatic care for queer and trans people. + receive access to care as a mad, trans, neuroqueer, disabled person yourself!

My name is Sirius Heart (they/we), and my work, Spiderweb Somatics, offers skillful webs of resonant care to support wise disabled, mad, queer and trans bodies. As a trans, mad, and disabled practitioner myself, I have found somatic practice to be incredibly supportive in skillful relating, staying centered + repatterning disembodiment patterns imparted from white supremacy, and unwinding significant shock + developmental trauma from being a survivor of a mass shooting + growing up in a traumatic home environment.

as the web has re-woven me within Its greater support, I/we continue to weave skillful support for others who need the care and tending of supportive, trusting relationship to begin to unwind and heal. I/we hold over 10 years of somatic practice facilitation experience from lineages of hatha yoga, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (level 1 trained), generative somatics, experiential practice of Somatic Experiencing (via personal practitioner), experiential touch practices from Kathy Kain (via personal practitioner). I/we also weave in both ancestral lineages of madness as well as current lineages of madness and disability justice, most poignantly from Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha, Sins Invalid, Project Lets, and Thabiso Mthinkhulu, and kitchen table conversations with Hannah Harris-Sutro, Amber Naali Katz, Azrael Avey Nim, among others.

all of my offerings are -firmly- non-carceral (no cops in care, EVER) and non institutionally aligned on purpose, politicized, held in consent, held in a framework of Land-As-Being and animist relating, and a deep relational framework. to see my commitments to practice, please see my about page.

Drop-In tier members will receive access to 2-3 hours weekly/6-12 hours monthly of Drop-In Support (more info at the link) where you can bring any issue in for tending in a sometimes individual, sometimes group space! this is my most accessible offering, done intentionally to bring care space to queer and trans, QTBIPOC, disabled, working class folks who may not be able to access quality care otherwise.

each of the other membership tiers will have access to a Collective Somatics practice space once monthly, as well as private posts and offerings of care and support intermittently (as my capacity allows). a percentage of each tier is split between Sirius, a scholarship fund for QTBIPOC/trans/disabled folks to receive care at lower cost, + a fund to support trans, disabled practitioners (in a 40/30/30 split).

I've designed it this way on purpose with the desire for us -all- to thrive, that my work is not self-made, to honor my desire that I am not just out to fund myself + get myself stability but to create access to thriving for my entire community.

i hope you will join in here, whether to receive support or to offer care to those who are! welcome to this space, I'm so glad to have you with us.